👾Our Approach

Bridging the Gap with Education

Spacerox DAO represents a new third approach to winning the great space race. The future of humanity won't be governed by a nation, nor held hostage by some massive cooperation, but instead stewarded by individual people all over the world connected only by a shared incentive to prosper in a better world.

The idea of decentralizing power isn't new. But starting with the end in mind, space, still is.

  • People in Web3 think it's too early for the “space” part of “decentralized space”.

  • People in the Space Community think it’s too early for the “decentralized” part of “decentralized space”.

  • It’s our job to bridge the imagination gap on both ends, and in the process create a new bridge for both groups into the future.

Project so far

  • Created the web presence and education foundation.

  • Website

  • Documentation

  • Roadmap

  • Discord w/ bots trackers etc

  • Dework job lists

  • Intro medium articles, and all relevant social media pages.

Project presently

  • Documenting DAO creation journey on a youtube channel, created over 50 short form videos to create top of funnel acquisition.

  • Onboarding web3 expert to help with community building, social media management, and operational fund raise strategy.

  • Focus pivoting to SatHawk Alpha to give the community and investors near term goals and results. Developing an invested community AND raising an operations budget priority.

  • Applying to culturally and technologically aligned grant providers for seed funding.

Who is working on this? The community? Some sort of core team?

Our goal is to launch Spacerox DAO governance as decentralized as possible while keeping the community engaged and entertained. We want community members to see themselves as a part of the project, aligned with the same goals.

To ensure the highest quality of membership only “whitelisted” members will be granted the ‘OG’ title and be able to participate in our bootstrap phase where several important topics that define our DAO will be decided.

Currently the core team consists of Adam Boyle (Founder/Community Manager), Anthony Molinterno (Product Development), and Yeremy Murillo (Marketing).

Why are so many specifics missing? Tokenomics? Governance rules?

The web3 world moves incredibly fast, so it’s difficult to know exactly what will be chosen by the community until the day the choice will be made, because the solution landscape looks vastly different month over month.

The community needs more time to grow, mature, and educate itself. We have a unique challenge of being spread across two very complicated industries; space and crypto. With a healthy dose of philosophy and economics sprinkled in.

Expertise on a number of subjects is still needed, and won't be available until we attract or hire talent and resources. It’s a bit of a chicken and the egg issue, but once our first operational funding round is complete we will be able to spend on our most complex problems.

Our guiding values, principles, and goals have been decided, and will never change.

So why should I invest, join, or contribute?

  • It's an opportunity to see and learn from a web3 project starting from scratch. It’s unquestionably the future of so many things, why not get a head start and get familiar with the space.

  • The technology is cool. Aerospace, satellites, blockchain, asteroids.

  • It’s an experiment in democracy, governance, and economics which only founding founders and revolutionaries usually get to play with.

  • Interact and build a community of only the most interesting people, a fascinating cross between crypto and space. Optimistic futurists.

  • Help save the world.

Last updated