What is Space Hawks?
(WIP, Subject to Change)
The Space Hawks NFT is an alliance between Spacerox DAO and the web3 community to work together to bring the power of blockchain technology to the rapidly expanding ecosystem of space based companies, projects, and organizations.
Our NFT collection, Space Hawks, will act as a catalyst for the growth of the Spacerox Platform. Unlike most NFT collections seen these days we have a working product (alpha) with IRL market fit, with more projects in the pipeline. We chose an NFT over a token because we believe in the power of community. There is a lot to be said about the community growth benefits of having a strong holder backing using a Space Hawk NFT as their picture on social platforms such as Twitter.
The future's space industry won't be governed by a nation, nor held hostage by some massive cooperation, but instead stewarded by individual people all over the world connected only by a shared incentive to prosper in a better world.
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